2008. 05. 20.

Usher - Here I Stand (Album Full

01. Usher - Intro
02. Usher - Love In This Club
03. Usher - This Ain’t Sex
04. Usher - Trading Places
05. Usher - Moving Mountains
06. Usher - What’s Your Name
07. Usher - Prayer For You Interlude
08. Usher - Something Special
09. Usher - Love You Gently
10. Usher - Best Thing
11. Usher - Before I Met You
12. Usher - His Mistakes
13. Usher - Appetite
14. Usher - What’s A Man To Do
15. Usher - Lifetime
16. Usher - Love In This Club Part II
17. Usher - Here I Stand



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